Saturday 14 April 2012

prose: Stargazing

“It’s way better up here than down below.” The pale-lilac armoured robot tilted her head up towards space, as she sat - lounged out against the rough, concave wall of the crater.

“What do you mean?” The darker blue armoured robot replied, standing near the centre of the crater - looking back at his female counterpart.  

“The stars, the hovercrafts… you can just see everything from here.”  

They both looked up unto the heavens, taking in a moment of pure silence that lingered on the moon’s surface. They were outside the colony’s barriers, roaming free on the un-inhabitant parts of the Earth’s moon. To humans, the silence outside a habitable atmosphere would be too surreal for their likings. To these robots, it was nothing short of another characteristic that made up the universe.  

Except for the hovercrafts which drifted left and right across the celestial chicane, everything felt oddly lifeless. Technically speaking, the fur-coated robots were lifeless too, if all for only their batteries, with energy surging through every wire and fibre optic vein in their artificial interiors. Yet, they could still appreciate the majesty of those twinkling dots of hydrogen and helium thousands upon thousands of light years ahead of them. And the neon dots that zipped right past them at blistering speeds, just a couple of hundred miles away.

 “You’re right, Leonie. You don’t get this view on Earth, that’s for sure.”  

“Not at all. Earth’s too illuminated… I wonder has space travel also lessened their appreciation of looking at the stars?”

If there was one thing that fascinated Triggs about Leonie, it was how she questioned things. She was all the more curious than he was, and it set his mind into deep thought. Not that he himself wasn’t curious; both of them were new to this world. Leonie asked herself things, and it wouldn’t matter to her if she found out now or never at all. Triggs, on the other hand, would become so engrossed with even the tiniest, trivial riddles that he would stop at nothing until he found out their meaning. 
Bearing in mind, with their line of duty, that was a good trait. But for everything else, it was a burden to be weighed down with unanswered inquiries.

(So, I tried writing for once. A refreshing change of pace I must say. But I'm no *insert name of great author here*. Yeah, I really don't read novels hardly.)